We would like to congratulate the following SEIU members who were elected in the Local officer elections on Nov. 25:
Recording Secretary: AMY WHEELER (N.E.S.)
Trustees: KAY GOLDEN (Methodist Medical Center) LILL HONEY RUSSELL (Metro Schools) STEPHEN WEST (Chattanooga City Gov't)
Chapter Officers (Nashville Electric Service): CHARLIE HALL (1st Vice-President) LARRY MARTIN (Membership Secretary)
Executive Board Alternate (Metro Gov't chapter): EXIE HARRINGTON (Nashville Public Library)
Executive Board Alternate (Metro ECC chapter): LYNN BRANNON
Executive Board Delegate (St. Francis chapter): CLIFFRIE MORGAN
Executive Board Alternate (St. Francis chapter): ELAINE OWENS
These officers will join Local 205 President Doug Collier and the slate of officers that was elected by acclamation at the Local Convention on Nov. 2. Thanks to all the m